Hempur 20+ meetings...

Here's how Hempur was able to generate 20+ meetings...

Orestas Nariunas
May 20, 2024
Category 1

Hempur - dream of a future in harmony and partnership with nature. Their mission is to shift peoples awareness from mindless consumption to mindful consumption.

Hempur's main focus was expanding their sustainable & eco friendly fleet of products to the rest of Europe - since their HQ is based in Scandinavia.

Before our partnership with Hempur, they had a few clients under their belt, but they of course wanted to grow their brand; and establish it - spreading their main ideology.

Their stock included dispensers, paper towels, napkins & toilet paper - all made from 100% renewable sources, like bamboo. This was their unique selling point.

When it came to our market research, and list building, we focused on companies which used a lot of these utilities. Such as hotels, hostels, airlines, cruises & commercial cleaning services.

Since Hempur was selling an actual "product", we decided to take an interesting approach, offering free samples of desired products to the prospects. However, to prevent them from ghosting, we guarded this angle behind a meeting. This ensured that the prospects were "serious buyers", and not tyre-kickers.

Also, it was very convenient that Hempur had warehouses dotted across Europe - letting us experiment with different countries, and segment our campaigns specifically according to that, not to mention shipping the samples extremely quickly to the prospects.

These high quality meetings acquired from our outbound campaigns, allowed Hempur to bridge gaps with prospects they never imagined was possible; in-turn filling their pipeline with 6 & 7 figure deals.

The Problem

Hempur came to A-SALES and asked for help with reaching out to ideal prospects. They had worked with agencies before, not booking a single meeting. They had tried using Apollo.io in their own efforts; but no results to avail.