Greenblut +$200k in pipeline revenue within a week.

Here's how Greenblut was able to generate +$200,000 in sales opportunities in less than a week...

Orestas Nariunas
January 18, 2024
Category 1

Greenblut is a German based e-commerce growth partner. Through conversion optimization & inbound marketing - helped brands significantly increase sales & growth. They are direct Shopify experts with years of experience all whilst holding a HubSpot partnership.


Greenblut wanted to reach e-commerce stores at scale, in a short timeframe; to present their new offer.

In partnership with A-SALES, Greenblut devised a strategic approach to address their sales generation needs effectively. Leveraging our expertise in targeted outreach and lead generation, we crafted a tailored strategy to identify and engage with potential clients in the e-commerce sector.

To effectively filter and target e-commerce businesses not utilizing Shopify, Greenblut and A-SALES laid out a comprehensive segmentation process.

By using advanced data analytics and targeting capabilities, we identified businesses using alternative platforms and crafted tailored messaging to resonate with their specific needs and pain points. Moreover, to incentivize these businesses to make the switch, Greenblut offered a complete transformation package at no cost, demonstrating their commitment to driving growth and providing maximum value.

This resulted in a surge of qualified leads and opportunities, with businesses eager to capitalize on the offer and unlock the benefits of utilizing Shopify as their main choice of platform.

Greenblut was able to generate $200,000 in sales opportunities in less than a week by collaborating with A-SALES in one of the most competitive niches, e-commerce.

The Problem

Greenblut identified a unique opportunity to tap into a segment of the e-commerce market that was not utilizing Shopify as their platform. However, quickly identifying and engaging with these businesses posed a significant challenge. Moreover, convincing them to undergo a transformation process required a compelling value proposition that highlighted the benefits of switching platforms.